Monday, July 2, 2018

Can that really work on infants?

Question: A friend of mine suggested having my 4-month old son, who has difficulty breastfeeding, go through craniosacral therapy.

Answer: Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new form of treatment that can, and has been, administered to infants who experienced difficulties during delivery. It has been shown to have encouraging results when given to infants who have experienced birth injuries, or suffer from common problems such as teething issues, colic, and yes, feeding problems.

That said, I recommend having your son evaluated by his pediatrician before starting therapy. This is to ensure that his feeding problem was brought on by birth trauma and not by other possible causes such as birth injuries, neurological problems, or congenital issues. It’s also possible that his feeding difficulty is a result of his mouth not opening wide enough to facilitate feeding. If this is the case, craniosacral therapy can also be helpful. If you want to know more about the benefits of craniosacral therapy, read the articles posted by the alternative therapy’s developers, the Upledger Institute. Here’s a link to their website. Hope this helps.

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